Who Is at Fault If You Get Injured by a Commercial Vehicle?

Whether you are driving in a car, riding a bicycle, riding in a train or walking down the sidewalk, you are surrounded by commercial vehicles. Though we generally envision large, heavy trucks or vans when we think about commercial vehicles, they can actually be any of a number of different things, ranging from a company car or minivan up to a bus or tractor trailer. Though most of the drivers that we share the streets with operate safely, there are also a large number who are negligent and cause accidents, and some of these accidents can cause serious injury or even death. If you have been injured by a commercial vehicle and are uncertain about who is at fault, it is important that you speak to an attorney, as if the driver of the commercial vehicle was negligent then they or their company may be held responsible for the damages that you have suffered. The experienced attorneys at Wallace Law are available to meet with you at your convenience to discuss what happened and help you identify who was at fault in your accident.

It can be difficult to tell who is at fault in an accident. Things happen so quickly, and many people experience shock after the trauma of the incident. No matter what type of accident you’ve been in or whether you believe you’ve been injured or not, it is important that you do two things:

  • Get checked out by a medical professional. In many cases serious injuries from commercial vehicle accidents do not immediately make themselves evident for a few days, though they may exist.
  • Take notes about what happened, with as many details as possible. If there were witnesses to the accident, take down their names and contact information. Take photos if possible.

After you have done this, it is a good idea to make an appointment with an attorney who has worked with people who have been hurt in commercial vehicle accidents. The lawyers at Wallace Law have years of experience successfully representing victims. They will listen carefully to the details of your accident, asking you pertinent questions so that they can provide you with an unbiased opinion on who is at fault and whether negligence was involved.

If you were injured by a commercial vehicle and negligence was involved, the fault may lay with the driver, the owner of the vehicle, or those who were responsible for maintaining the vehicle. The dedicated attorneys at Wallace Law can help. We will use our knowledge of the law and our extensive network of expert witnesses and investigators to put together a compelling case designed to get you compensation for your medical expenses, any wages you’ve lost as a result of your injury, plus additional damages for your pain and suffering. Call today to make an appointment for a free consultation to help you determine who is at fault.

Learn how Personal Injury Lawyer Bruce Wallace can help you with your case HERE.